Updated: 09/14/00

The following is a reverse chronological list of bugs that have been encountered and corrected in SI Mechanical 5.2, 5.14, and 5.13. Items that show - BUILD were significant enough to require a recompile. Updated 5.2/5.13/5.14 files and download instructions are available in the Download section of this web site to correct the listed problem. Please Email us any bugs that you encounter that are not listed.

08/11/00 5.2, TAG and TAGMODES commands not working for "FOOT" leader option. Fixed to use new "DatumFilled" block. Files: tag.lsp, tagmodes.lsp - BUILD
si-mech.fas for 5.2

01/03/00 5.2, MULTI2D command not working. Undo check error and missing dp_sld directory. Changed to check undoctl rather than undomarks. Fixed install.dat to create dp_sld directory. Use new si-mech.fas and create C:\Si-M5.2\dp_sld directory. Files: multi2d.lsp - BUILD
si-mech.fas for 5.2

10/26/99 5.2, LONGBRK command not working. AutoCAD no longer works with imbedded osnap functions. Osnap function moved outside of command function. Files: longbrk.lsp - BUILD
si-mech.fas for 5.2

09/12/99 5.2, Changes in AutoCAD dimension command access caused SI Mechanical dimension commands to fail. Files: axydim.lsp, dim.lsp, dimarc.lsp, symupd.lsp, xydim.lsp - BUILD
si-mech.fas for 5.2

09/01/99 SI Mechanical 5.2 released - BUILD

01/25/99 5.14, Fixed AXYDIM ordinate option again. Problems caused by inconsistent prompt sequence in AutoCAD. Better, but still might fail under the right conditions Files: axydim.lsp - BUILD
axydim.lsp for 5.14

09/17/98 5.13/5.14, Fixed BALLOON command to work with field names that match balloon attributes. Files: balloon.lsp - MINOR
balloon.lsp for 5.13/5.14

09/11/98 5.14, Fixed MULTI2D command. Slight misalignment of adjacent views caused by undocumented changes to R14. Use the viewres command to turn fastzoom off as a work around. Files: multi2d.lsp - MINOR

08/05/98 5.14, Improved XYDIM and AXYDIM conformance to DIMASO setting with ordinate dimensions. Problems caused by limitations in AutoCAD ordinate dimensions. XYDIM now allows multiple offsets only when DIMASO is off. Files: axydim.lsp, xydim.lsp - BUILD
axydim.lsp for 5.14
xydim.lsp for 5.14

08/05/98 5.13/5.14, Fixed EXLINE and SLINE commands to work with running object snap modes. Files: exline.lsp, sline.lsp - BUILD
exline.lsp for 5.13/5.14
sline.lsp for 5.13/5.14

08/03/98 5.13/5.14, Forcing current layer with undefined reference number did not work. Functions: dp_nlay. Files: dp-utils.lsp - BUILD
dp-utils.lsp for 5.13 only
dp-utils.lsp for 5.14 only

07/21/98 5.13/5.14, Fixed setsht problems. Earlier version did not allow preselection. Versions between 05/13/98 and 07/21/98 required preselection. This fix allows normal selection and preselection. Files: setsht.lsp - BUILD
setsht.lsp for 5.13/5.14

07/11/98 5.14, Fixed dialogue box in bhatch command. Files: bhatch.lsp - BUILD
bhatch.lsp for 5.14

05/28/98 5.13/5.14, Fixed thru holes for solids and tap depth for mixed units when using pipe taps. Functions: @FIELDS, @SOLID. Files: holechg.lsp, holedraw.lsp - MINOR

05/11/98 5.13/5.14, Fixed size of letters in section lines for different format scales. Files: sline.lsp - BUILD
sline.lsp for 5.13/5.14

05/08/98 5.13/5.14, Fixed TEXTSIZE setting for mixed format and drawing unit types. Files: settings.lsp - BUILD
settings.lsp for 5.13/5.14

05/08/98 5.13/5.14, Location for ASME A1-size revision block was corrected. FORMAT table was corrected. Files: format.tbl - BUILD
format.tbl for 5.13/5.14

04/17/98 5.13/5.14, Limits for F-size face sheet format were reversed. Parts list and revision blocks would not stack correctly. FORMAT table was corrected. Files: format.tbl - BUILD
format.tbl for 5.13/5.14

02/22/98 5.13/5.14, Fixed imbedded string for first line of hole depth callout. Added { bigfont control. Files: label.lsp - BUILD
label.lsp for 5.13/5.14

11/12/97 5.13/5.14, Fixed STYLE setting when SI-MECH style is not defined. Functions: dp_stylemake. Files: dp-utils, settings.lsp - BUILD
dp-utils.lsp for 5.13 only
dp-utils.lsp for 5.14 only
settings.lsp for 5.13/5.14

10/31/97 5.13/5.14, Fixed SLINE command to follow size table for current standard and use "SYM" layer. Files: lyrmap.tbl, sline.lsp - BUILD
lyrmap.tbl for 5.13/5.14
sline.lsp for 5.13/5.14

10/31/97 5.13/5.14, Fixed command modes for undefined AutoCAD commands. Functions: dp_cmdchk. Files: dp-utils.lsp - BUILD
dp-utils.lsp for 5.13 only
dp-utils.lsp for 5.14 only

10/24/97 5.13/5.14, Dimensions were displaying in all viewports when in paper space. This is now fixed to work like version 4.12/4.13. Files: dp-utils.lsp - BUILD
dp-utils.lsp for 5.13 only
dp-utils.lsp for 5.14 only

10/20/97 5.13/5.14, Fixed DIMSCALE setting for mixed format and drawing unit types. Files: settings.lsp - BUILD
settings.lsp for 5.13/5.14

10/17/97 5.14, Changed "_AMNEWPART" to "_NEWPART" for Mechanical Desktop 2.0 compatiblity. Files: holechg, itemodes, hole, holedraw, sol-hdw.lsp - MINOR, MD2 compatibility not available until after MD2 ships.

10/17/97 5.13, Changed "AMNEWPART" to "_AMNEWPART" for international compatiblity. Files: holedraw.lsp - MINOR

10/09/97 5.14, Fixed PHATCH command. Problems caused by undocumented changes to R14. Files: phatdraw.lsp - BUILD
phatdraw.lsp for 5.14 only

10/09/97 5.13/5.14, Fixed AXYDIM ordinate option. Problems caused by bug in AutoCAD. Files: axydim.lsp - BUILD
axydim.lsp for 5.14
axydim.lsp for 5.13

10/09/97 5.13/5.14, fixed length of metric internal keways in inch shafts. Files: sftdraw.lsp - MINOR

09/18/97 5.13/5.14, All dimension command are now intercepted for automatic layer switching. Files: dim.lsp, command.tbl - MINOR
dim.lsp for 5.13/5.14
command.tbl for 5.13/5.14

08/20/97 5.13/5.14, wrong dialogue box heading in LYRLST. changed V:STRING to nil to use imbedded strings. Files: eng_str.tbl, si-mech.mnl - MINOR

08/20/97 5.13/5.14, added "{" to special characters in imbedded bigfont strings. Files: label.lsp - MINOR

08/07/97 5.13/5.14, part lists and revision blocks were sometimes overlaying each other when the format was in a UCS that was not parallel to the WCS. rounding error in R13/R14. Files: ptlst.lsp, revs.lsp - BUILD
ptlst.lsp for 5.13/5.14
revs.lsp for 5.13/5.14

08/05/97 5.14, hardware would not import shafts that were in relative directory, bad argument with grease nipples and sprockets. hidden file bug in R14. Files: sfthdw.lsp - BUILD
sfthdw.lsp for 5.14 only

07/24/97 5.13/5.14, changed block definition group 10 to work with values other than 0,0,0. Functions: @TRANSLATE, dp_insert. Files: dp-utils.lsp - MINOR

07/23/97 5.13/5.14, 5/16 size had wrong pitch, sometimes failed to draw. Files: shoulder.tbl - BUILD
shoulder.tbl for 5.13/5.14

07/23/97 5.13/5.14, running objects caused problems in solids. Files: dp-utils.lsp - BUILD
dp-utils.lsp for 5.13 only
dp-utils.lsp for 5.14 only

07/09/97 5.14, changed "dp_tbl" to "dp_lib". Files: si-mech.mnl - BUILD
si-mech.mnl for 5.14 only

07/06/97 SI Mechanical 5.14 released - BUILD

06/23/97 fixed holeclip to work in right view 1. Files: holeclip.lsp - BUILD

06/23/97 removed local variables to make button head work. Functions: @WIRE. Files: button.lsp - BUILD

06/23/97 use "DESCP" field if available and V:HDWDESCP. Functions: @HDWLBL. Files: label.lsp - MINOR

06/11/97 erase hexnut.tbl. rename nuth.tbl (has more sizes) to hexnut.tbl. Remove NUTH from hardware.tbl duplicate "HEX NUT" type removed. Files: hardware.tbl, nuth.tbl - BUILD

06/09/97 changed INSTALL to work with spaces on AutoCAD path in icon. Files: install.dat - MINOR

05/22/97 AUX2D and MULTI2D enhanced to work with blocks and xrefs. Files: -multi2d.lsp, aux2d.lsp - BUILD

05/06/97 general changes for R14 compatibility. Files: detail.lsp, fmtdraw.lsp -

05/06/97 changed STD000A# to ISO000A3. Files si-mech.ahp - MINOR

05/05/97 change ;WING" to ;WING NUT". Files: hardware.tbl - MINOR

04/16/97 delete solid after projecting. Functions: @HDW_SOL_PROF - BUILD

04/16/97 fix mispelled "selectected". Files: si-mech.ahp - MINOR

04/11/97 changed "JIS 1575 GRS NIP" to "JIS 1575". Files: grsnip1.sft - BUILD

04/10/97 change insert point in 5.14 for fix point. added #Y for fix point in areas. Functions: @RIGHT. Files: sftdraw.lsp, - BUILD

04/01/97 "*.*" and "*,*" changed to "*`.*" and "*`,*". Files: fmtdraw.lsp - BUILD

03/31/97 added NumberOfDisks = 2. Files: install.dat - BUILD

03/31/97 added space between two local variables. Files: multi2d.lsp - MINOR

03/25/97 convert arc shape ellipse to arc. Functions: @ELP-ARC. Files: sol-hdw.lsp - BUILD

03/25/97 matrix in multi2d view 1 or 2 only had grvec ghosts. Files: multi2d.lsp - MINOR

03/24/97 removed commented out section of paths. Files: si-mech.mnl - MINOR

03/21/97 FIX button did not work when edit box not entered first. Files: sftchg.lsp - BUILD

03/21/97 adjusted lyrlst dcl tabs and spaces. Files: si-mech.dcl - MINOR

03/21/97 add XREF handler. Files: symchg.lsp, eng_str.tbl, eng_dcl.tbl, si-mech.ahp - MINOR

03/20/97 center marks were being undon inside axydim. Files axydim.lsp - BUILD

03/17/97 @FIX-ELLIPSE 210 group correction. Functions: dp_sol_prof. Files: sol-hdw.lsp - BUILD

03/17/97 replaced old txt notes with new ones - MINOR

03/14/97 non-valid datum dumped, now fixed (bug was introduced by fix to double tier on 03/07/97). Files: geochg.lsp - BUILD

03/14/97 changed %%D to unicode degree. Files: eng_str.tbl, label.lsp, weldraw.lsp - MINOR

03/14/97 set dimaltf to 0.03937 in dim styles of mm prototypes - MINOR

03/13/97 @STR local variable changed to @STRIP. Files: fmtdraw.lsp - MINOR

03/12/97 changed MAKE2D description to MULTI2D. Files: lyrdef.tbl - MINOR

03/12/97 allowed implied RFS for position. Files: geodim.tbl - BUILD

03/12/97 added large vertical bar. Files: gdtsym.shx - MINOR

03/11/97 amnewpart %ENAME changed to #ENAME, acis error, failed. Files: sol-hdw.lsp - BUILD

03/10/97 #ITEMLTYPE should be #ITEMLTYPEH, did not cause problem in 13 but did in 14. Files: sftdraw.lsp - BUILD

03/07/97 Double tier Geodim conversion fixed. Files: geochg.lsp - BUILD

03/06/97 ISO scale 0.1 displayed as 1:6, fixed it - BUILD

02/28/97 Ignore leading and trailing spaces on loginname - MINOR

02/27/97 XYdim did not allow straight leaders. Functions: @XOFFSET, @YOFFSET. Files: xydim.lsp - BUILD

02/21/97 non-standard scales displayed wrong. Functions: @SCALESTR. Files: fmtdraw.lsp - BUILD

02/20/97 Toolbar - Load SI Mechanical, ^P added and check added - MINOR

02/20/97 Csk for Designer holes was fixed - BUILD

02/19/97 When ad.arx is loaded only Designer holes work (fixed), part must also be active - BUILD

02/19/97 replace ~ with unicode degree sign. Files: holetype.tbl - MINOR

02/06/97 first release 5.13 - BUILD

| Design Pacifica |